30 before 30
1. Use 1 book of stamps per month to write letters to family and friends.
2. Read through the Bible
When It’s Hard to Hear and See
As a follower of Jesus I’m learning to embrace and fully believe that God
is always present and at work. Always. As I’ve come to embrace that truth
– I’v...
Unconditionally Prepared
I am writing these next few post retrospectively because, as time has a way
of doing, it slipped away from me like a tomato slice on a wet countertop.
Cute ebay finds (Sailor Moon themed) ♡
In honor of Sailor Moon crystal coming out here is a Sailor Moon themed
Ebay finds~ I personally haven't started watching the new season yet, but
if you ha...
Beaches: What does one really need?
As I mentioned in my last post, my friend Ashley, a Florida native, has
helped me par down what I really need to bring to the beach. For a long
time I...
P.S. ...... ...... I've also started a new blog ...... elsewhere. Let me know if you'd like to see it. You don't have to be widowed for that one. : ) BUT .... You do h...
Life in El Bastón Rojo It’s funny how one day you look at the calendar and think, “Thanksgiving is in two days. I guess I should finish that post I started in August.” All the th...
Start 'Em Young? In one of her many books and/or blog posts, the Yarn Harlot wrote, years ago, about the belief that knitted items somehow "soak up" the vibes that surround...
7 of 7 little things that make me smile
And the last one is....
Electric Toothbrushes!
The slippery-just-from-the-dentist-clean feeling of your teeth.
The tingle of the "sonic waves" -- it's lik...
Epilogue 2011
"What will they do now?" people ask about our friends in Maseno.
"God only knows" is once again the answer.
Nan and Gerry Hardison have just returned to ...
Merry Christmas from our Family to Yours
It's be a good year - what can we say? We are totally blessed. This season
we are thankful for all the gifts that God pours out - family, friends, and
too sharp, too flat, and other generally nasty chords Chelsey here. It's been a heckuva last two weeks, so I'm hoping you won't blame me for giving my whirling head a couple minutes to splay itself out on (onl...
The True God, a True Help “Surely God is my help; the Lord is the one who sustains me” (Psalm 54:4). In the Bible this is not a rare saying, that God is our help in times of trouble...
Hiatus In an effort to simplify my life, this blog will be lying dormant for the time being. Hopefully at some point, I'll be able to return to it. But for now, I...