In just over one year, 382 days to be specific, I turn 30.  WOW.  Three decades almost completed. I know that about two years ago I made my first list of 28 things that I wanted to do before I turned 28.  That wasn't very successful.  Well it was - but I did not get nearly enough of them crossed off the list.  Thus, because I'm a planner who loves lists and goals, and I find myself yet again getting ready to move across an ocean to an unknown - I've made another list.  This time of 30 things that I want to do before I turn 30.  I've been working on this list for several weeks now, so hopefully the goals are attainable in the 382 days before I turn 30!

1.  Use 1 book of stamps per month to write letters to family and friends.
2.  Read through the Bible
3.  Work through couples Bible devotionals with Andrew
4.  Find a church in Connecticut.  Get involved.
5.  Reach goal weight - earn lifetime membership in weight watchers.
6.  Run the NYC half marathon in less than 2:30
7.  Run the NYC marathon in less than 5:30 (can substitute with a different marathon)
8.  Do another Olympic triathlon - and excel at the bike portion (my least favorite part)
9.  Cook 1 new recipe per week - can be a recipe from friend, but will need to be a new recipe for me
10.  Honestly take a stab at blogging - write at least 15 blogs per month in hopes of improving my writing skills
11.  Sew something on my sewing machine - and take a sewing class
12.  Call my grandmothers at least  2 times a month to talk and learn their stories
13.  Do the FlyLady cleaning system 5 days per week
14.  Read 30 books
15.  Donate my hair
16.  Sponsor a child through Compassion or World Vision
17.  Take dance lessons with Andrew
18.  Weekly Pinsperation challenge (make or do something off of a Pinterest board once a week)
19.  Complete a 365 photo project (possibly with Project Life)
20.  Find an organization I believe in and volunteer
21.  Complete 30 Random Acts of Kindness
22.  Get a stamp in my new passport (complete with my new last name)
23.  Take a trapeze class
24.  Get a dog
25.  Take a cooking class
26.  Throw a "Favorite Things Party" - like Oprah's favorite things, but Anna's
27.  Host people at our house (for dinner or drinks or games or a book club) at least 6 times.
28.  Learn to french braid my hair.
29.  Take Andrew on a date once a month
30.  Plan a wonderful Marriage Blessing & Celebration for us in Kingwood. (complete with DIY touches!)

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In just over one year, 382 days to be specific, I turn 30.  WOW.  Three decades almost completed. I know that about two years ago I made my first list of 28 things that I wanted to do before I turned 28.  That wasn't very successful.  Well it was - but I did not get nearly enough of them crossed off the list.  Thus, because I'm a planner who loves lists and goals, and I find myself yet again getting ready to move across an ocean to an unknown - I've made another list.  This time of 30 things that I want to do before I turn 30.  I've been working on this list for several weeks now, so hopefully the goals are attainable in the 382 days before I turn 30!

1.  Use 1 book of stamps per month to write letters to family and friends.

2.  Read through the Bible


Things that I fear... Thinking about this brings to mind Psalm 27:1

"The Lord is my light and my salvation, whom shall I fear?"

Oh how I wish this was true in my life.  I see sin in the world in my fears. If I see through the eyes of faith in Psalm 27, my fears dissolve.

Unfortunately... I do have some fears

- Not being able to have kids someday

- Disappointing the people that I love

- Cockroaches (I guess maybe it's more of a hate vs.

Nothing is more practical than finding God, that is, than falling in a love in a quite absolute, final way. What you are in love with, what seizes your imagination will affect everything. It will decide what will get you out of bed in the mornings, what you will do with your evenings, how you spend your weekends, what you read, who you know, what breaks your heart, and what amazes you with joy and gratitude. Fall in love, stay in love, and it will decide everything.

- Pedro Arrupe

My job...

1. For the first time in as long as I can remember, I do not have music in my life, which breaks my heart a little.  When I say that I do not have music in my life, I mean that I am playing the piano or in a band. I miss playing piano more than I can say.  Sometimes, I will look at Craigslist and see all of the used pianos that people are just giving away and I dream about owning one.

2.  For the longest time, I thought that when I get a dog someday I would get a Golden Retriever.

For a while, I debated as to whether or not I should keep this blog going.  Primarily, I wondered if it was ego centric for me to write.  Blogs are by their very nature, an online public diary. I also wondered how much about my life I wanted posted on the blog (I saw that someone had found my blog by searching for my name and my job title... and to be completely honest, I don't really want my patients' to know this much about my life.  Thus, I pulled down just about everything with my name.

It's been 1 year.

1 year since I started working as a physician assistant.

Feeling completely terrified.

The change came without me noticing it...

But now when I walk into the patient's room, I am confident and generally speaking have an answer (or know where to look or who to ask for that answer).

It's been a year with ups and downs.

Too many cold and ear infections to count.

After the boat left, and my tears stopped flowing quite so freely, I realized that I needed to find a way to make the deployment more manageable.  In my usual style, I decided that manageability would come more easily if I made a list of goals.  Truth be told, I've been making these goals for quite a while.

USS Columbus, SSN - 762

Departed for a Western Pacific Deployment

Click here for details from ComSubPac

OETERNAL Lord God, who alone spreadest out the heavens, and rulest the raging of the sea; Vouchsafe to take into thy almighty and most gracious protection our country’s Navy, and all who serve therein.

When I moved to Hawaii at the end of March, I began to attend Good Shepherd Church with my cousins Karl & Ashley.

This past Sunday, I had the honor of joining the Good Shepherd ohana.

In Hawiian, ohana means family.  There's a Disney movie called Lilo and Stitch with the line, "Ohana means family, and family means no one gets left behind."  I have found that to be true at Good Shepherd.  They are all so welcoming and open.

On the east coast of Oahu, Hanauma Bay glistens like a jewel.  The coral sits so close to the surface, and the beautiful fish are easily viewed while snorkeling.

While my friend Kelsey was in town, we headed over there and spent a morning in the water, snorkeling back and forth, looking at the fish and the coral.

The bay is so close to Waikiki that many people go snorkeling there while visiting Oahu (with good reason).  It's a beautiful place to snorkel.
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